Friday, August 3, 2007

The 5 Essentials of Men's Daily Skin Care.

For men, taking care of our skin can prove to be one of the best things to learn how to do. Besides the most obvious advantages like looking better, it has also the advantage of improving our health. Skin care does it part on helping us stay healthy, especially when taking accounts recent studies that prove men are genetically more prone to develop skin cancer. Every activity begins with some essentials stuff, and daily men's skin care is no exception, here are the 5 essential aids to start looking and feeling better:

1. Face Cleanser

A good face cleanser is different from your regular soap. It will remove dead skin cells, dirt, oil and pollutants we catch from the environment. It will also unclog the pores and by doing that it will also prevent us from acne blemishes and pimples.

If you have very dry skin use creamy cleansers. For oily skin, acid-based cleansers. But well, most cleansers serve for all types of skin, so better read well the labels before buying any product. Sometimes you may feel your face "tight" after cleaning and drying, this happens because the cleanser has got rid off of too much oil. (You need some oil on your skin after all!) What happens next, is that your skin will try to compensate producing more oil, eventually clogging pores. If you notice this, switch to a better cleanser.

The face cleanser should be applied once in the morning and once at night. Apply with water on face and neck, using a warm temperature and pat dry with a soft towel.

2. Shaving Cream or Shaving Gel

The shaving gel or cream basically does two things. First, it softens up the beard allowing a close shave; and second, it will help the razor blades glide smoothly over your skin. This helps reduce razor burns and blemishes caused by ingrown hair.

When choosing a shaving cream, most will work for any type of skin. But it is better to use a quality shaving cream that does some "extra work", like providing natural nutrients to the -soon to be damaged- skin.

The application of the cream or gel depends on the product. Now in the market there are even dry shave gels, that don't require you to wet your skin first. One common advice is too put the shaving cream or gel, and let it rest for about a minute (just let it do it's work for a while) and then shave. If you want to get an even better shave, do it right after a hot bath. hot water helps open up the pores.

3. Toner

The toner will clean the pores, removing shaving residues and restore the skin pH. It also helps the skin fight bacterial invasion. As the cleanser, apply it once by morning and once at night. For normal to dry skin use an hydrating toner, and for oily skin a toner-astringent.

Toner should be applied after shaving, and if you don't have facial hair, after cleansing. It is also good idea to apply it after prolonged sun exposure to restore the acid levels on the skin.

4. After Shave

The after have is more than a cologne to close the pores. A good after shave will restore the skin's natural moisture after shaving and relieve of irritations. Advanced after shaves will also combat razor burn and leave you with a soft restored-from-damage skin. They come in lotions and creams, I've found creams often work better.

To apply it just massage a little on shaved skin on face and neck immediately after shaving and toning.

5. Moisturizer

This is the final step in daily men's skin care. The moisturizer will prevent the natural moisture n the top layer of your skin to go away. And will help water retention. Most people think it brings water into your skin, but it just helps holding its natural moisture. If you have dry skin go foir oil based moisturizers, and if you have oily skin go for humectant lotion.

To apply it, massage the moisturizer gently on your skin until you will it is fully absorbed, and do it after shaving and toning. If your skin is very very oily you should not require moisturizer, but talk with a skin professional first for better advice.

That's it. These are the 5 essentials of men's daily skin care. If you take of your skin no problems will arise in the future and you can end up looking younger and healthier.